Cupping | Gua Sha

Cupping and Gua sha are modalities of Oriental medicine that increase micro profusion or micro circulation at a superficial level in muscles that are tight or in areas where there is congestion or stiffness.  Increased blood flow to muscles and surrounding tissue brings in oxygenated blood and fluids to carry out metabolic waste and deliver the components that are needed for tissue repair.  They also help to break up any superficial adhesions in the tissue that might be contributing to muscle tension and pain.  In addition to relieving pain these techniques promote relaxation and a sense of wellbeing, while gua sha has been shown to have an effect on the immune system. Studies on gua sha and cupping indicate that the potential effects of these two simple techniques offer more in the realm of healing then one might first imagine.

Cupping can be described as somewhat like a reverse massage. Instead of pushing the muscles into the body to get them to relax, suction is used to gently pull the muscle tissue upward to help it release.  Specially designed cups are used to create suction through the use of heat or a vacuum device. Once the cups are in place the suction draws new blood to the site, increasing circulation to help release tight muscles, reduce inflammation and stimulate healing. During the cupping process painless bruise-like markings know as "sha" often appear on the skin that dissipate in a few days.

There are different styles of cupping that are used depending on the situation.  Cupping does wonders for a tight IT band.  It can help unlock a frozen shoulder and relieve the cough, wheezing and tightness in the chest that is associated with upper respiratory infections and asthma.

Cupping for Cellulite available. Call for details.

Gua Sha
Gua sha is a technique in which scraping is used to release muscle tension, stiffness and congestion.  Oil or liniment is applied to the skin and then it is scraped with repeated strokes with a smooth edged implement until a small red or purple spots appear.  These spots are referred to as sha and it will a take a few days for them resolve.

These techniques may be included in your acupuncture session and are offered as separate services. Each cupping or gua sha session is $30 for 15 minutes.


Gua Sha
